The weather has cooled down

The weather has been cooler during the last few days, but the heat will return again next week.

I have now completed the steps and am very pleased with the result. Next year we will buy more timber and build a boardwalk to the lake with a new jetty.

9 thoughts on “The weather has cooled down

  1. I’m gad you didn’t sell your cabin, The first posts I read in your blog were about your cabin life and was what drew me in.
    I would still like to see it in person, next time I get to Northern Sweden, I will have paper maps and a notebook, with names and phone numbers as a backup. If need be buy a Swedish cell phone so I can call you for directions.
    Have you guys ever caught a trout on those jigs I sent you. It is all me and my friends use, tipped with a bit of shrimp, worm or squid.

    • Hi Richard, it would be great to finally meet you. Still haven’t caught any trout on them I’m afraid.

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