Simple pot stand

On Friday /Saturday the snow returned and we had about 15cm.

I spent Saturday burning piles of branches from trees that I had felled last autumn.

A green y-shaped stick makes a simple pot stand if you want to boil water or cook food.

Put some embers between the y sticks and place the pot over.


We currently have a few days of reasonable weather (snow and +2 degrees are forecast again this weekend) so I am working on the list wall of the cabin that we have in our garden.

I have removed the outer boards

And the old insulation

I have put new insulation in the wall and covered with a wind tight material

I am hoping to get the work completed before the mosquitos emerge.

Bad weather last weekend meant that we baked some traditional bread called “Gahkku”

The dough is divided in small pieces and each rolled out thinly

And then placed in a warm dry frying pan until brown on both sides.

It is a very poor year for migrant birds so far this year. Usually from the beginning of May we can 200+ migrant birds feeding at our bird table but this year there are none.

Back to cold weather

The night time temperatures are below freezing and daytime temperatures are only just above freezing and and cold northerly wind has been blowing for three weeks now, and we are still getting snow storms.

Last weekend was sunny and out of the wind it was reasonably warm, so myself and Kelly went on a long bike ride.

At lunch time we found a sheltered spot and made fire.

We cooked rice and vegetables and grilled sausages.

I have been ice fishing but had to use the quad bike to get close to the lake

And walked the last kilometer dragging my gear in a sled.

I did not catch any fish though.

The cold weather means that very few migrant birds have arrived and animals are not so active. I was out late last night but only saw two Capercaillies and three Reindeer.