A new house and a new camera

We have now purchased a new house, 2kms outside of Nattavaara.  We will be moving there in the autumn and I will write more later in the year.

house in laplandI have also purchased a second-hand camera; Panasonic Lumix FZ-38 which is a hybrid super zoom camera.

So far I am pleased with the results….

red squirrel-1 (888 x 684) siskin-4 (866 x 652) whooper swan (873 x 645)Some of the pictures in my previous post are also taken with this camera.

The only problem is that there is no remote shutter release for this particular model, so I have made one myself using a shelf bracket, a spanner for draining radiators and an air release cable that I have had laying in a box for many years.

fz38 remote-1When you compress the air bulb connected to a 5m cable

fz38 remote-4the air forces a metal rod out of the other end.  In the first picture the bulb is not compressed

fz38 remote-2In this second picture the bulb is compressed and the rod pushes down on the shutter release button to take a picture

fz38 remote-3The remote works very well!

A day at the cabin

Last Saturday i spent the day at my cabin.  As you can see there is still ice on the lake.

spring at my cabinand there is still a lot of snow on the ground

cabin spring 2015Very similar conditions to when I spent my first spring there in 2008.

I went for a long walk while at the cabin and found a trail of feathers

featherswhich led to the remains of a male Capercaillie

capercaillie remainsI imagine he had been displaying and was unaware of a Fox creeping up on him.  You can see Fox droppings in this picture

fox droppings

I also found some fresh Mink droppings

mink droppings

Black Grouse were also displaying at the cabin

black grouseand there was a hare

hareThe most common birds in the forest just now are Siskin

siskinand Brambling

brambling-1 brambling-2Reindeer are also calving at the moment

reindeer and calfOf course while out walking I made fire, cooked coffee and grilled sausage!

grilling korv

Things are starting to happen

The weather is getting warmer during the day (up to 13 degrees) and so the snow is melting faster.  Summer migrant birds are arriving such as;

Whooper Swan

Whooper swan laplandBrambling

brambling sweden laplandPied Flycatcher

P1000922and Capercaillie display

capercaillie-1 capercaillie-2 capercaillie-3Though I found a nice location to photograph beaver last week

beaver laplandthe rivers and streams are now in flood and so the beaver are more difficult to find.

Felling and splitting birch

During the last few weeks when the weather has permitted, I have been out felling Birch trees.  This is much work during the winter because before you can fell each tree, you have to dig down through at least one metre of snow to reach the bottom of each tree.

20150411_132715Once I had felled several trees, i cut them into desired lengths and loaded on to the snowmobile sledge and transported them home.

20150411_122237Last weekend (with my father-in-laws help) we cut the trees into logs

20150502_131313and I used Ingvar’s electric log splitter to slit the logs to help them dry.  These logs we will use at our cabins.
