The pocket fishing kit

Here’s the tutorial I promised last time.

The snuff container that I used has three separate parts; the top where used snuff bags are placed and the two main parts that hold the fresh snuff.

snuff container fishing reel

In the top section of the container you can store hooks, weights and spinners.

pocket fishing kit

You now need to buy a fishing line that is on a reel that fits inside the snuff container

pocket fishing kit naturallore

To make the roller for the reel I used a dowel, a plastic picture hook and a thick plastic washer.  I glued the plastic washer to the underside of the top half of the container.  I sanded down one end of the dowel so that it fitted into the plastic washer and screwed the picture hook on to the other end of the dowel (remove the three nails that are used to fix the picture hook to a wall).  In the picture below, the line and reel fit on the dowel, between the picture hook and plastic washer.

pocket fishing rod kevin warrington

I drilled a small hole in the side of the container (where the line comes out) and then installed a brass eyelet in the hole to prevent the line cutting into the plastic container.

mini fishing kit

The pocket fishing kit was then completed.

snuff container fishing rod

10 thoughts on “The pocket fishing kit

  1. THat looks like a great reel. You should get a patten on that one.

    • In order to cast you would need to draw out a lot of line and I think this would then snag on twigs and stuff.

    • It wasn’t easy to find the right sized reel and unfortunately there is no brand name on it.

  2. I think that this ice fishing reel is a wonderful idea. I would like to make some of them for my friends.and myself. Where can I get some of the empty tobacco cups? The ones that are sold in Alaska only have one compartment, maybe there is something that you want from here that I could trade for them?
    Boreal Barney

    • Hi Richard, Drop an email and we will try to sort something out. I am away now until monday.

      • Laplander………… Greetings from the other side of the world in Salcha, Alaska. For a trade I could make your a pretty good fishing lure, on a lead head jig hook. It kind of looks like a cross between wooly worm fly and a jig. They worked real good on rainbow trout and Dolly Varden trout here this past winter. The ones I used the most and caught the most fish with where red body and black hackle feather. I could send you a handful in your color choice in a North American style tobacco cup. If you would like to see what they look like you could do a web search for Aero Jig to see the commercial version. I have been reading you blog for the since early last winter. I enjoy it very much. My wife and I visited friends in Sweden in 2010, spending time in Sundsvall and Funasdalen. …………..Boreal Barney

        Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 12:07:57 +0000 To:

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